Why do some lobsters have claws and some not?

joe sees the lobster's nose
The answer lies in the type of lobster you have. Two kinds of lobster-like
crustaceans exist in U.S. waters: the
true or American lobster and the spiny lobster.
The true lobster has claws on the first four legs, found in the waters off
of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. It also has the
distinctive a large crusher and a pincher claw.
The spiny or rock lobster lacks these claws and has a pair of horns above
the eyes. It is found in warm waters off Florida, in the West Indies, off
southern California, and the coast of southern Europe.
Because the spiny lobster tends to be a social scavenger it does not need
claws. The American lobster, however, is solitary and very territorial. It
actively hunts and kills fish, eels, and even other lobsters. So it needs a
lobster weapon -- the claw! (This is not meant to be social commentary on American vs European society, but I guess it could apply...)
Other good lobster questions:
Q. How can you tell the difference between male and female lobster?
A. Female lobsters generally are wider in the upper dorsal tail region. This
allows room in the tail to store the premature eggs. Females can also be
distinguished by their soft, thin set of first pleopods (swimmerets). Males
have a hard, thicker set of first pleopods, and have smaller hard appendages
(masculina) attached to their second set of pleopods. (Stop picturing lobster porn, please!)
Q. Do lobsters have blood?
A. Yes, a clear or white blood with a slight bluish tint is pumped through
the body of the lobster by the heart. The blue tint is caused by copper,
which is used as the oxygen carrier in the blood. Human's red colored blood
is due to iron being the oxygen carrier. When claws, legs, or antennas of
lobster are ripped off, or the shell is cracked or punctured, the lobster
can be weakened and even die from the loss of blood.
Q. Why do lobsters turn red when they are cooked?
A. Live lobsters are usually bluish green in color. On rare occasions, one
is landed that is orange, yellow, or blue. The lobster's color is caused by
pigments in the shell. When the lobster is cooked, all of the color pigments
are masked except the red background color.
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