What's the difference between a swan and a goose?

joe does a swan
There are five types of swan or geese. Four are from North America
(Trumpeter swan, Tundra swan, Canadian goose, and Snow goose) and one from
Europe/Asia (the Mute swan).
Four main differences between these birds:
- Size
- Color
- Call
- Bill
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources publishes a pamphlet, "It's
important to know". I guess, because in Iowa, it's important to know the
difference between a swan and a goose. Not so much in the rest of the
world, but it makes for pretty interesting reading. If you have a bird
To read the pamphlet go here:
Otherwise I'll sum it up this way -- swans have long necks and geese have
short ones. That's really the only difference. The classic white, hooked
necked swan is actually the Mute swan a native of Europe and considered a
nuisance in North America. It is not mute by the way, but makes gentle
hissing noises which I guess are better than the woo-oo-woo of swans or the
ha-lonk of geese. You decide.
<< in the beginning..
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