
Hello and welcome to my online Roman journal. I am going to do my best to keep all my friends, family and fans up to date
on my life in Rome through this site.
In case you don't know, or in case you just don't know me, I decided to move to Rome for four months. I visited Rome during my
month-long European vacation in June and I just fell in love with it. The place completely overwhelmed me - with so much
history, culture, art, beauty and things wonderful! So since I had nothing better to do, and since I really was itching for a
change to shake up my life, I decided to pack up my cats and head abroad.
My goal is to try to write a first draft of a book
while I am here, as well as to uncover some truths about me, my life, my goals and my relationships.
Sounds pretty lofty, right? Well it is! Wish me luck, stay tuned and we'll see how it all turns out.
For starters, here's some basics for you. More to come, I promise!
Also, my friend Joe, who has come to be my roommate, is contributing his own form of journal. It's called
Joe's Stupid Question of the Day. Check that out for more interesting facts and random stupid tidbits!
Ciao for now!

Content & Photos © 2004 Laura Laytham, laura@girlsaresmarter.com.